A Letter From Our CEO

I have never been the type of person to believe in coincidences. I believe that we are always where we are supposed to be with who we are supposed to be there with. Every encounter, every person, EVERY LITTLE THING, does not come in our path by chance, it is because these interactions, these bonds, these relationships are necessary in order for us to reach what is meant for us. I remember in 2016 I graduated from college and started working as an EMR consultant and I had two encounters in that year that changed my mental state for the better. First at a hospital in Long Island, New York I met an extremely wise woman and she poured into me about the power of manifestation. I had never heard of it; had no clue what it was, but she basically preached to me that whatever it is that I desire to have; whatever it is that I desire to become I need to daily say it out loud. I need to put it on paper and speak it into the universe. I actually took her advice and just by simply speaking my affirmations out loud I felt empowered. Once you repeat something to yourself over and over again eventually you begin to believe that you are these things, or you deserve these things. She taught me to be kinder to myself and to not place limitations on what I am capable of; as a recent grad that didn't know what to do or where I was going, I needed that. I knew that speaking it was just a small piece of it. I've always been a hard worker so when I matched my manifestation with my work ethic I began to achieve and envision things for myself that I previously had never imagined.
Secondly in Salt Lake City I was going through a work training and the lady that was my trainer spoke to us about a TED talk she had recently watched. The woman giving the speech told the crowd "Don't fake it until you make it, fake it until you become it" Her breakdown of this was "show up every single day as the woman/person that you want to be, dress like her, talk like her, walk like her, and eventually you will BECOME her. Repetition builds habits. So everyday I made the conscious effort to show up and put my best foot forward and before I knew it was excelling in my new career, being offered new opportunities, and overseeing individuals who had been in that industry far longer than myself. It's true that If you don't believe in yourself nobody else will.
I said all of that to say this. You are highly capable of doing ANYTHING. If it has been done before it can be done again, and there is no reason why you can't be the person to do it. Never think that anything is out of your reach and is unobtainable by you. Wake up every day and choose to be kind to yourself. Put a little extra effort into showing up as the woman that you would like to become, but always remember that you are wonderful and worthy as you are during this transitional period. Everything is a process. Life is a journey, and growth and change don't always happen over night. Write down your affirmations and speak them out loud. If that is hard for you, no worries mamacita, because I have an affirmation card deck under our lifestyle section that you can grab to help you get started.